Coming soon...

I am applying for jobs, so naturally I have a lot of internet time on my hands. Thus I know who the super injunctions are against. In part cause I'm awesome, but in part cause I have a mate who works at ITV. All I need to know now is high the risk of jail is, then I'll tell y'all......

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Nauseating Everyday Item No. 1

Behold, the atrocity that haunts every day I spend at home, and one that mother's everywhere berate their children for not using. Especially after curry night. The Toilet Brush.

This is a deplorable piece of machinery, and one that makes me gag every time I even consider using it, yet for some reason, civilised society seems content to use it, to tell it, and even to need it. Massive fail.

The case for it's defence is one I can understand, and is highly seductive. When one has a wayward 'motion', lets call it that, a motion, one uses the above item to remove any evidence from the porcelain. This is in order to leave no trace of the more base necessities of the human condition, and looks nice. Sure, I can dig that. Was kinda just going to piss it off after a couple of beers, but whatever. 

But think about it, really think about it. This is a brush, a brush that sits in your bathroom ALL THE TIME, that you willingly wipe in shit. Wait, what? Yes, willingly wipe in shit. And then you just put it back? Excuse me, but i may not shower that often, and farting may be more a hobby than anything else, but that is disgusting.

So you wash this thing? Where? Where exactly is it OK to wash a toilet brush? Cause the only places i can think of would not get the job done. Its freaking rank.

My advice? Either be a dude or live with one, and challenge him to clean it away au natural. Much more hygienic. 

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