Coming soon...

I am applying for jobs, so naturally I have a lot of internet time on my hands. Thus I know who the super injunctions are against. In part cause I'm awesome, but in part cause I have a mate who works at ITV. All I need to know now is high the risk of jail is, then I'll tell y'all......

Tuesday 28 September 2010

The Best Religion On Any Planet: Preston Loganism

Now don't get me wrong, I am a man of faith, but when thinking, as i am wont to do, I decided that whilst I believe in Jesus, I don't agree with everything he preached. Hence, I have converted to a brand spanking new religion, one that kicks serious ass and has two dead simple mantras.


There is a prize for whoever gets the reference, but the two rules are as follows...

Be excellent to each other.


Party on Dudes.

Fault if you will, but if in any situation you chose the path of excellence towards each other, no harm can happen.

In fact, here's a challenge. Fault it as a moral code. I DARE YOU.

By the way, the bit that Jesus said that I didn't like was

"judge not lest ye be judged."

If you are at fault, it should not matter what transgressions your accuser is guilty of. Morality should be and is, intensely personal, and regardless of others; how they are judged or compose themselves, if you are in the wrong you ARE WRONG, and should accept both the consequences of it and the need for change. 

So there. I am now a preston loganist. We have no desire to convert you, but are quite happy being excellent to everyone.

Bye bye.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great idea! It makes the path to eternal life a lot simpler as well; just become really good at a board game!
