Coming soon...

I am applying for jobs, so naturally I have a lot of internet time on my hands. Thus I know who the super injunctions are against. In part cause I'm awesome, but in part cause I have a mate who works at ITV. All I need to know now is high the risk of jail is, then I'll tell y'all......

Monday 4 October 2010

Meet me halfway.....

Ha, us men right? Always been useless and whatnot. Like when we fart and stuff, and Mexican showering instead of regular showering. Lucky we're so loveable, otherwise we'd be in trouble.


Its called equality bitches, and too long have we suffered under the yolk of oppression, or as I like to call it the hangover of success. Allow me to explain...

Because for so so so long it was a mans world, and for so so so long those of us blessed with a good three inches hanging low were at a distinct advantage, it has been socialy acceptable, in fact, scratch that... a social requistite to stereotype Men. Furthermore, we suffer under insane social practices like standing up when ANYONE NEW enters a room, ALWAYS getting the first round in, and he's the kicker, that heavy manual labour is deemed our responisibility. Alright, I'll accpet that fact that for a while we were cool with it, 'cause, you know, we could vote and stuff, but all is square again, so I'm drawning a line.

That line is the toilet seat.

For years, if a man wanted to pee as God intended, he was required to lift the seat up. Then, THEN, when done, to be nice, and clean, and NON-MANLY, he had to put it down again! TWO seperate jobs? All for a piss? NO THANK YOU.

Tell you what.  If I want to pee standing up, i'm more than happy to lift the seat. But if you want to sit down, is it too much to ask that you do the equivilant job? If we're all equals here, how come I have to do both?

Remember, just cause it's socially acceptable doesn't make it right. Be the Ghandi of the modern toitlet sharing world, think about it, and realise i'm right.

That is all.

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